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Well... I really believe that God put me on this earth for one reason: comic relief. If you know me, hopefully I've made you laugh when you've wanted to cry. Or maybe I've made you cry from laughing so hard. Either way, I think that's my job here..... =)

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Christians for Common Sense... AKA- The Please Don't Hate Me Blog.

I'm addicted.

I can't stop.

I mean, not that I've tried to- but there is no point.

I can't.

The McDonald's Mushroom and Swiss Angus Snack Wrap has me in her death grip, and the dirty bitch WON'T LET GO. It's not like I want her to. I enjoy my addiction, and much like the latest episode of A&E's hit show Intervention, I am a slave to my monster.

Some people like cocaine.

Others really groove on having sex with their cars.

I read a story about a man that could not stop eating metal.

We all have our vices. Mine just happens to be wrapped in a flour tortilla.

Mushrooms. Cheese. Burger. Sauce- stop me if I've said something to offend you.
When I'm not eating a delightful MSASW I'm thinking about eating one, and when I am fortunate enough to be devouring one, all I can think about, is how I should have ordered two.

A good blogger- someone with the clout of a Perez Hilton or a Food Network's Pioneer Woman, would have a point to make with this confession. I however, do not. Not even close. I just couldn't think of an intro for today's blog, so I decided to educate you, make you feel better about your secret addiction to Storage Wars: Texas, and also make you hungry.



Now that I have your undivided attention- I will move on.

Today- this blog will not make you laugh 'til you cry.....

This blog will not make any zany Zac Efron references. (ok- maybe one, two tops.)

This blog will get the humor blogger's KISS OF DEATH.

Today- this blog will get........ POLITICAL.

Ok maybe not so much political, as it will get practical- I hope.

Today we are going to talk about the HOT TOPIC of the week.... month..... maybe even year?

Today. we are going to talk homosexual marriage.

Ya. It's that serious. ish.

You see, today marks six years since my dad passed away.

Larry Little- the man. Plain and simple. And of all the things that my dad absolutely loved, above Mountain Dew: Code Red at room temperature, or M*A*S*H, or even fishing, my dad was a man that LOVED common sense. Yes. It seems so simple doesn't it? Well, I thought it was.... until recently.

You see in the past few days, the issue of gay marriage has been at the lips of evangelical Christians more times than the Hairspray hit "Ladies' Choice" has been on mine. (ok, that's Efron #1)

Whether you are for or against this ideal there is no denying that it is the hottest conversation point since Janet Jackson's "wardrobe malfunction".

Since this has become something brought up at work, during our lunch convos, I figured it was as good a time as any, to give my two cents.

I want to preface this by saying the following-

This is my opinion. The beautiful thing about America, and something I will touch more on later is the freedom of opinion. So sit tight. And please try not to thump me too hard with your King James Version.

Should gay people be allowed to get married? is the question I've been asking myself for a few weeks now. I believe I have come to the correct conclusion, thanks in large part to my dad and his love for the common sense. In short, my opinion is yes. I believe that homosexual people should have the right to be married. NOW WAIT- before you close out this page and stop following me, (all 7 of you), please hear me out.

Common sense is something that I feel the Evangelical community has been lacking lately. God gave us common sense. I believe it's is one of His most amazing gifts ever. The ability to use normal judgement to make decision's. Common sense rocks. If we use it.

Commons sense tells you, 14 year old girl that is friends with my nephew on facebook- if you want people to stop calling you ghetto- a good plan would be to STOP ACTING GHETTO.

Common sense tells you, preschooler in my Toledo Public Schools class- if you want to go outside to the playground, your best maneuver is NOT to spit in my face and kick me in my shins.

Common sense is that amazing thing that stops you from playing outside in lightning, burning your hand multiple times on the same hot surface and I believe that common sense is the thing telling us that not only should gay marriage be allowed- it's nothing more than COMMON SENSE.

Let me spit a lil' knowledge for you.....

Some of you may have read the book Animal Farm, written by George Orwell in 1945. This book follows the crazy lives of 7 young adults making it in the cutthroat world of New Jersey's bars and clubs. KIDDING! Animal Farm is about a bunch of animals living on a farm, and they become angry with the farmer and all of his rules. They want to live life on their terms! They want to be in control of their own destiny! They want to rule the farm!!! (Cue High School Musical 2's "Bet On It" Zac Efron hit single. annnnndddd that's #2.) You see, I believe that America, and especially the conservative right was somewhat like those farm animals from a while ago. When we were living under the oppression of Great Britian, we wanted the freedom to practice religion on our own! And then an amazing thing happened. We fought for our independence and we became, much like the animals in George's book- FREE AT LAST!.....

There is only one little problem with this..... you see..... in the book, the pigs begin thinking that the farmers had the right idea, and that they themselves wanted to walk on two legs, eat in the kitchen, and wear clothes. Slowly but surely, the animals started to realize that the pigs were taking over and making the same rules as the farmers that they fought so hard to overcome. Below is an excerpt from the last page of George Orwell's classic.

"The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which."

You see, the pigs started to look just like the farmers. In a way I believe that the radical right is beginning to forget that they we were once just like those animals- wanting to be free- and now, much like the pigs in tuxedos, the freedom that we once fought for, tooth and nail, we now want to withhold, and dole out at our discretion.

Freedom, as defined in the dictionary, is the power to determine action without restraint. As Americans, how amazing is it, that we have the freedom to do WHATEVER we want, as long as that action does not infringe on someone else's right. This is a freedom that people have died for. A freedom that even homosexual people have died for.

You know the saying, "Don't forget where you came from"?

I think JLo reminded us of that, best when she urged us to believe that she was, despite her millions- STILL JENNY FROM THE BLOCK.

There is this amazing trait of America- you see it doesn't matter what you believe. It doesn't matter if you are black, white, gay or straight. It doesn't matter if you have millions, or if you have to wash and reuse toilet paper. You have the FREEDOM to be an American and live life to the fullest.

So whether you agree or not- whether you will never read my small time blog again or you will- I just urge you to use common sense. Because the next time a group of extreme religious zealots are coming after rights- they could be yours. So sit back, relax and smile. Freedom is a two sided coin. It is not afforded, simply to the rich, or white, OR CHRISTIAN. It is afforded to EVERYONE- just like something else..... God's Love. 

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