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Well... I really believe that God put me on this earth for one reason: comic relief. If you know me, hopefully I've made you laugh when you've wanted to cry. Or maybe I've made you cry from laughing so hard. Either way, I think that's my job here..... =)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Hash Tags: #ICan'tDecideHowIFeelAboutYouLittleGuys......

Unless you've been living under a rock for the last year, or you are my mother Mary Louise, you know and respect the wonder that is Twitter. Twitter is the new Instant Message. In less than like, 160 characters (I think) you can update your life. I have a twitter, and I follow a few people like Eminem, Jon Acuff and also, don't judge: I follow snooki.... =) Even though I suck at twitter, most of the time, I am fascinated by the Twitter feature, hash tag-ing.
Ok Mary Louise, hash tags are these little things you can put at the end of your tweet. A simple # sign and then "whateveryouwanttowrite"... No spaces? No problem! However, the absolute coolest thing about the hashtag is that you can actually click on your #ht and see anyone else who has posted the same thing.
Sooooo......... when your 12 yr old, 200+ pound nephew who seriously perceives himself to be equal in size to a small lap dog,  runs Matrix style up the front of your mint condition 2002 Ford Taurus, you can quickly assess the situation with a (hashtag) #dumbass. <---- The beauty of the hashtag, ladies and gentlemen!!! And if that's not enough, (THATS NOT ENOUGH!!) Later, after you mourn the loss of a good, strong windshield, you can click on your hashtag and see who else has claimed dumbass-ed-ness on their twitter. This is my absolute favorite thing to do. It's awesome to realize that some random person and myself could have something in common. Oh, my nephew has the bodily awareness of a ghord? Your son ate an entire 64 pack of Crayolas? You slipped on a patch of ice at the gas station and the Speedway workers play back the footage every hour on the hour? AWESOME! Let's be friends on facebook!

    I love the sense of community that these hashtags promote. So this idea had me thinking.... I kinda wish that the church could hashtag a few things. I don't mean, walking around with signs that say #Ilovekillingpeople or #Ithinkimugly, but I do think that God wants us to be real. If we as the church could show people that we know their issues are legit, and other people deal with the same struggles, maybe we could build a hashtag community. Let's try to be a little more transparent from now on, ok?  #justsayin'

DISCLAIMER: my nephew is really not a dumbass all that often. He's super smart and absolutely HILARIOUS! But come on..... really, Ethan?!?! The windshield looks like we got shot up in Detroit!!!

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